Articles (page 6 of 28)
- Landeschi, G., Lindgren, S., Gerding, H., Papadimitriou, A. & Wallensten, J. (2020). Ancient Hermione revealed : the contribution of high‐performance computing and digital methods to the analysis of a hidden cityscape. Archaeological Prospection, 27, 315-328. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Larsson, M., Magnell, O., Styring, A., Lagerås, P. & Evans, J. (2020). Movement of agricultural products in the Scandinavian Iron Age during the first millennium AD : 87Sr/86Sr values of archaeological crops and animals in southern Sweden. Science and Technology of Archaeological Research, 6, 96-112. Taylor & Francis.
- Macheridis, S. & Magnell, O. (2020). Disentangling taphonomic histories at Old Uppsala, a Late Iron Age central place in Sweden, using Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 33. Elsevier.
- Macheridis, S., Hansson, M. C. & Foley, B. P. (2020). Fish in a barrel : Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus) from the Baltic Sea wreck of the royal Danish flagship Gribshunden (1495). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 33. Elsevier.
- Margaryan, A., Lawson, D. J., Sikora, M., Racimo, F., Wilhelmson, H., Gustin, I. & Willerslev, E. (2020). Population genomics of the Viking world. Nature, 585, 390-396. Nature Publishing Group.
- Mühlemann, B., Vinner, L., Margaryan, A., Wilhelmson, H., de la Fuente Castro, C., Allentoft, M. E., de Barros Damgaard, P., Hansen, A. J., Holtsmark Nielsen, S., Strand, L. M., Bill, J., Buzhilova, A., Pushkina, T., Falys, C., Khartanovich, V., Moiseyev, V., Jørkov, M. L. S., Østergaard Sørensen, P., Magnusson, Y., Gustin, I., Schroeder, H., Sutter, G., Smith, G. L., Drosten, C., Fouchier, R. A., Smith, D. J., Willerslev, E., Jones, T. C. & Sikora, M. (2020). Diverse variola virus (smallpox) strains were widespread in northern Europe in the Viking Age. Science (New York, N.Y.), 369. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
- Nilsson, M. (2020). Symbolae sacrae : Symbolic formulae for protection and adoration within the quarries of Gebel el-Silsila. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, 25, 138-158. University of Arizona.
- Olausson, D., Apel, J., Knutsson, K., Knutsson, H. & Taffinder, J. (2020). Errett Callahan (1937-2019) and his impact on Swedish archaeology. Fornvännen, 2019, 258-262. Kungliga Vitterhets- historie- och antikvitetsakademien.
- Sabin, S., Herbig, A., Vågene, ?. J., Ahlström, T., Bozovic, G., Arcini, C., Kühnert, D. & Bos, K. I. (2020). A seventeenth-century Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome supports a Neolithic emergence of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Genome Biology, 21. BioMed Central (BMC).
- Svensson, E., Hansson, M. & Nilsson, P. (2020). As far below as you can come? : Historical archaeology on vulnerability and marginalization of life at the bottom of the social ladder. Post-Medieval Archaeology, 54, 165-185. Maney Publishing.
- Wienberg, J. (2020). Centralitet, centralort och centralplats : diskursens förgreningar. META Historiskarkeologisk tidskrift, 2020, 139-165. Historiskarkeologiska föreningen.
- Wienberg, J. (2020). Lyngsjö och de gyllene altarna. ALE, 2020, 42-47. De skånska landskapens historiska och arkeologiska förening.
- Wienberg, J. (2020). Medeltidsstaden Lund - i skuggan av domkyrkan. ALE, 2020, 1-18. De skånska landskapens historiska och arkeologiska förening.
- Apel, J., Dell'Unto, N. & Riede, F. (2019). Istidsjägare i Uppåkra. Fornvännen, 114, 47-51. Kungliga Vitterhets- historie- och antikvitetsakademien.
- Arwill-Nordbladh, E., GlØrstad, H., Kristiansen, K., Stutz, L. N., Ravn, M. & Demoule, J. P. (2019). L'archéologie en question : les pays nordiques. Perspective (France), 19-44. Institut National d'histoire de l'art.
- Berndt Ersöz, S. (2019). The Historical Geography of Phrygia : The Settlement of Leonton Kephalai. Orbis Terrarum, 16, 23-53. Franz Steiner Verlag.
- Ekengren, F. & Hansson, M. (2019). Editorial. Lund Archaeological Review, 23, 5-5. Institute of Archaeology, University of Lund.
- Ersgård, L. (2019). Erik Cinthio 1921-2018. META Historiskarkeologisk tidskrift, 2019, 180-186. Historiskarkeologiska föreningen.
- Foley, B. (2019). Gribshunden excavation. Gränsløs. Tidskrift för studier av Öresundsregionens historia, kultur och samhällsliv., 28-38. Centrum för Öresundsstudier, Lunds universitet.
- Gummesson, S., Molin, F. & Sjöström, A. (2019). The Spatial Organization of Bone Crafting During the Middle and Late Mesolithic at Ringsjöholm and Strandvägen in Sweden. Journal of Field Archaeology. Maney Publishing.
- Hansen, K. (2019). Medeltidshuset vid Stora Torg i Halmstad. ALE, 2019, 30-44. De skånska landskapens historiska och arkeologiska förening.
- Hansson, A., Boethius, A., Hammarlund, D., Lagerås, P., Ola, M., Nilsson, B., Nilsson Brunlid, A. & Rundgren, M. (2019). Shoreline Displacement, Coastal Environments and Human Subsistence in the Hanö Bay Region during The Mesolithic. Quaternary, 2. MDPI AG.
- Hansson, A., Hammarlund, D., Landeschi, G., Sjöström, A. & Nilsson, B. (2019). A new early Holocene shoreline displacement record for Blekinge, southern Sweden, and implications for underwater archaeology. Boreas, 48, 57-71. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Ingvarsson, A., Bäckström, Y., Chryssoulaki, S., Linderholm, A., Kjellström, A., Lagerholm, V. K. & Krzewińska, M. (2019). Bioarchaeological field analysis of human remains from the mass graves at Phaleron, Greece. Opuscula, 12, 7-158. Editorial Committee of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome.
- Kärfve, F. (2019). Dunklet kring sanningens mun. Medusa: svensk tidskrift för antiken, 33-36. Föreningen för en svensk antiktidskrift.