- 3D Antiquity (Brendan Foley)
- Above Landscapes and Beyond Places. Using high-definition digital topographies to understand long-term landscape change
- Advanced behavour among early modern humans. Tracing cognitivity based on material culture (Lars Larsson)
- Animals and Humans. Recurrent symbiosis in archaeology and Old Norse religion (Kristina Jennbert)
- Application for palaeoreconstructions and preservation research at the Skateholm site in southern Scania
- Archaeological information in the digital society
- Archaeological Interactive Report (Paola Derudas)
- Archaeology and ethics (Kristina Jennbert)
- Archaeology and Sci-Fi. Encounters in the borderland between science and fiction (Fredrik Ekengren)
- A tale told by one is a tale told only in half. Archaeological narratives based on aDNA, isotopes and archaeological material
- A tale told by one, is a tale told only in half. Archaeological narratives based on aDNA, isotopes and archaeological material
- Beyond ports: Movement and connectivity in the Roman Mediterranean (Maria Moreno Escobar)
- Blue Archaeology. Assembling the cultural and natural heritage of submerged Stone-Age Seascapes in Sweden (Björn Nilsson)
- Bog settlements during the middle Mesolithic – the Rönneholm project (Lars Larsson)
- Burial in the Battle Axe Culture - a theme with many variations (Deborah Olausson)
- CALDERA Nordic-Japan Research Programme (Disaster Studies) (Peter Jordan, Junzo Uchiyama)
- Complex Canoes: Technological Innovation and the Origins of Scandinavia’s Maritime Society (Mikael Fauvelle)
- Death. An Archaeological Long Term Perspective (Kristina Jennbert)
- Den gröna rikedomen – agrara resurser och konsumtion i järnålderns Uppåkra (Mikael Larsson)
- "Difficult Histories": Assembling Forgotten Times (Peter Jordan)
- Digital Integration Across Disciplines: Advancing Cultural Heritage Documentation DIAD (Niclas Burenhult, Nicolo Dell'Unto)
- Doctoral thesis
- Documenting, Interpreting, Publishing and Re-using
- Dogs and People in Prehistory and History (Kristina Jennbert)
- Dynamic Collections (Nicolo Dell'Unto)
- Early Holocene landscape development and Baltic Sea history based on submerged wood remains, high-resolution bathymetry and lagoonal sediments in the Hanö Bay
- Early medieval towers in Sweden (Martin Hansson)
- Entrusted to the flames – The ritual technologies of Viking Age cremations (Fredrik Ekengren)
- eSSENCE@LU 3:7 - Using high performance computing resources for the record and analysis of cultural heritage sites (Nicolo Dell'Unto)
- Excavating the present past - a study of the materiality of Çatalhöyük (Åsa Berggren)
- Floating Castles: the Built Environment and Social Signaling in Medieval Scandinavia
- Fragments of life and death – interpretations of ground stone artefacts from the Almhov burial site (Susan Hydén)
- From the Crucible and at the Anvil - Spatiality, Economics and Multimetality of metal craftsmanship in Iron Age South-East Scandinavia (Andreas Svensson)
- Global Station for Indigenous Studies and Cultural Diversity
- Gribshunden barrel dendrochronology
- GRIBSHUNDEN Shipwreck 2019 (Brendan Foley)
- Hallen på Höjden. Dynastiers residens och domän.
- Handmade. Crafting and social strategies in the Scandinavian Neolithic (Deborah Olausson)
- Hokkaido: Socio-Environmental Histories
- Identity and lifestyle. Stone Age problems in the present day. (Kristina Jennbert)
- Interdiciplinary Field work and Education in Stone Age Settlement and Mortyary Practice (Lars Larsson)
- Iron Age Blekinge I: Västra Vång (Björn Nilsson)
- Järnåldersarkeologi Blekinge II: Övärldens långtid och rum (Ingrid Gustin, Björn Nilsson)
- Kullaberg. Landscapearchaeology and research history (Kristina Jennbert)
- Living Dangerously: Reconstructing Ancient Disaster-Scapes in Northeast Asia (Peter Jordan, Junzo Uchiyama)
- Manure matters. Early farming practices inferred from nitrogen analyses of archaeological crop assemblage
- Mapping Midgård. Reconstructing Mental Geographies of Viking Age Seafarers.
- Maritime Networks and Emergent Identities in the North Pacific Rim (Mikael Fauvelle, Peter Jordan)
- Mass destruction of material culture using fire during the early farming societies (Lars Larsson)
- Megalit Skåne - rekonstruktion och digital dokumentation av megalitgravar i Skåne
- Mesolithic and Neolithic settlement and mortuary practice in southern Portugal (Lars Larsson)
- Möten i romersk tid (Kristina Jennbert)
- Mysteriet i Dalbysöderskog
- Non-destructive analysis of Neolithic amber
- Old Wood in a New Light
- POSTGLACIAL: Comparative Perspectives on Cultural Responses to Postglacial Warming in Northern Eurasia
- Revisiting Nabberör – a Vendel Period boat grave from Öland (Fredrik Ekengren, Elisabeth Iregren, Kristina Jennbert, Stella Macheridis, Helene Wilhelmson)
- Roads to Midgard. Old Norse religion in long-term perspective (Kristina Jennbert)
- RobotLab LTH
- Roman imports in Scania. Cultural networks in local contexts (Fredrik Ekengren)
- Scandinavian Flint – an Archaeological Perspective (Deborah Olausson)
- Slow archaeology (Lars Larsson)
- Social Dimensions of Technological Change (Deborah Olausson)
- Sourcing flint and flint artefacts from Sweden and Denmark by means of Non-Destructive Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (EDXRF) (Deborah Olausson)
- STONE AGE DEMOGRAPHICS: Multi-Scale Exploration of Population Variations and Dynamics (Northern Fennoscandia)
- Storehouse Archaeology (Kristina Jennbert)
- Sweden in the Delaware valley. Everyday life and identities in the seventeenth century colony of New Sweden (Fredrik Ekengren, Magdalena Naum)
- Sweden’s first fortifications? Rethinking hunter-gatherer complexity in stone-age Scandinavia
- Targeting violence: Non-military violence today and in the past
- Telling Stories with Archaeological Data: TETRARCHs
- The Archaeology of Death and Burial – Theoretical Perspectives and Methodological Implications (Fredrik Ekengren)
- The Kullaberg caves. Between the Ice Age and the present, between natural science and the humanities. (Kristina Jennbert)
- The materiality of slavery in Swedish America, 1638-1800 (Fredrik Ekengren)
- The Neolithic Manifesto: the formation of society in south-west Scania during the fourth millenium BC. (Björn Wallebom)
- The Republican Forum Romanum (Nicolo Dell'Unto, Henrik Gerding)
- The Skateholm Project – late Mesolithic settlements and cemeteries close to a Scanian lagoonn. (Lars Larsson)
- The social weight of silver in Viking Age Scandinavia (Fredrik Ekengren)
- The sturgeon barrel from the Gribshunden shipwreck (Brendan Foley)
- The third way meets the third language - a method development of archaeological picture communcation (Jerry Rosengren)
- The Uppåkra project (Lars Larsson)
- Under the canopy: reading past agrarian landscapes through the lens of artificial intelligence and remote sensing (Giacomo Landeschi)
- Unveiling the city: Multi-resolution investigation on the Petrolo plateau of Blera (Hampus Olsson)
- Using High Performance Computing Resources for the Record and Analysis of Cultural Heritage Sites (Nicolo Dell'Unto)
- Vätteryd – Mortuary Practices on a Late Iron Age Cemetery
- V-Must Virtual MuseumsTransnational Network (Nicolo Dell'Unto)
- Vrak och tratunnor fran GRIBSHUNDEN: bevis for Politisk Ekonomisk Renassans i Östersjön